Vol 4 update 1

Hey folks,

Hope you’re all well, we have been a bit quiet of late as we have been furiously working on our new album entitled, Vol 4: A Puppet of Flesh and Bone. As I write this today (Sunday 3rd March) all songs have been completely written, bass recorded, next is guitar, then vocals, and finally off to be mixed and mastered.

We love the feel of this album, and have recorded a huge set of video diaries which release every Friday at 11:00 GMT on our YouTube channel, you can find the playlist below. Each video details a track off the album, goes into the BPM, and the overall feel for the album as well as the title.

We have loads more content coming before this album is released later in 2024, we hope you will enjoy it.

Video diary YouTube Playlist

Until then, thank you for your support

Take care

JD 💜🤘


Band update for November 2023