Band update for June ‘23

Its been a busy month and we’re only half way through it, here is what has been happening:

  1. Track 2 from our new EP is making headway, it’s been re-written a few times but I think I like the newer version of the song better now.

  2. Should be putting the finishing touches to track 1 shortly, the lyrics are all written and some practise vocals are being recorded.

  3. We have just finished another great collaboration, this time with the incredible Mamas Maiden Studio, they created a stunning video for our song Death Welcomes, Watch it here and visit Mamas Maiden Studio here

  4. JD was interviewed by Vox + Stix for their interview segment called Vox + Guest on Friday 16th June about the band, had an in-depth discussion about the short horror story, the indie scene and where Death Pigeon goes from here. A fantastic time was had by all, the episode should be out towards the end of June. Check out Vox + Stix here

  5. We have just completed our first written interview with Only the Host, we had a great time and we think the interview turned out great. Check it out here

    Thats it for now folks, next update will be the release of the new single,

    Take care and thank you for all the support,

    JD 💚🤘


Vol 3 incoming…..


New EP update 2 🎼